Northern Territory – here we come
Hey everyone, Brad Williams here, Director of Williams OT driver assessments and Rehabilitation.
We have some very exciting news to share with you about expanding our services into the NT.
Watch and stick around to the end of this video and I will share with you how you can take advantage of this first-time event.
As I said at the start of this video, I would love to give you information on how to take advantage of this exciting stepping stone in our journey to be the best driving service for drivers with a disability across Australia.
If you have a client that is desperate to have a driver assessment to help them meet their goals to drive, we may be able to fit it into this visit. As a reminder, we are coming to Darwin on the 8th and 9th of April.
Or if you or your company would like to know more about what is involved in an Occupational Therapy driver assessment and how it works with NDIS or other insurance, we can come to you and give you a one to one, or one to many meeting about our services.
If either of these sounds like it meets your needs, or sounds appropriate for your team in the future, please share this video and link.
But if you want something to happen this visit, to either set up a meeting or maybe you have a client ready to go for an assessment, or maybe both, please email NOW or ring 0466592891 or go to to find out more.
Cant wait to see you Darwin – and the whole of Australia soon!
Chow for now!