Happy New Year everyone! Well, for us, the new year means we get to open up our new office to you. We’re now located at 4 Deacon Ave, Richmond, SA – super convenient location for everyone. Just above Willshire Motor Trimmers.
Bigger parking space! Spot our Williams OT car 😉
Our neat signages which you can easily see at the entrance of the building.
The modifications workshop is also inside our new office building – so you can easily see how we work with top-notch suppliers and also take a look at how your vehicle modifications are being installed.
Bonus: Our new office is just right next door to the Bell Corner shopping area on South Road and just down the road from the Mile End Home Maker Center and Bunnings. So after you’ve
So that’s a wrap of and quick tour of our new office. Please do visit
Offices look great and you certainly look happy in them. But which one is Rommy?
HI Edna
Thanks for making comment.
Unfortunately, Rommy was taking the picture.
I hope your rehab is going well.
Williams OT