What a month it has been! Two weeks ago, today we learnt that the NBA was cancelling games. This time last week it was business as normal. The environment has drastically changed. Not only for us but for the world as we know it. With that of the pandemic that is looming around us, we can only wish the coronavirus to go away soon.
Speaking of, before we start off this month’s recap, we have recently updated our company policies with regards to the COVID19 virus. Things are rapidly changing so make sure you check back in regularly. What is posted today could change tomorrow.
As of today, 27/03/2020, we have suspended all in-car training with learner lessons and we have moved to Virtual health where ever possible.
You can check our updated policy by clicking the button below.
You can also watch what Brad has to say about this
Williams OT Telehealth/Virtual Health Services
Moving forward, another step to help with social distancing is we are now offering telehealth or virtual health sessions as a first preference. If you have a booking with us, then expect a call very soon. This is also a good thing since you won’t be leaving the comfort of your own home!
Now is also a great time to get in contact. While the world goes into lockdown, this is the best time to get in contact and do all of the pre-assessment aspects and screening out if the way. Then, when the world returns to normal, and it will, you will be ahead of the pack and not in a long waiting list.
For more information, you can always email us at admin@williamsot.com
Having a hard time driving?
Thumbs up to around vision! Another happy client following an accident resulting in complex pain.
We installed front sensor, blind spot mirrors and cushions on top of rear sensors.
The strain of driving has significantly reduced. If you are experiencing the same or in a similar condition as our client here, we can also install these modifications to your vehicle, just email admin@williamsot.com
Featured Vehicle Modification
Check out this cool video of the wheelchair conversion from our mods team/supplier. This timelapse video is a great way to show just what goes into a wheelchair accesses vehicle. Now there is another wheelchair access van converter in Adelaide. If you are looking for a passenger wheelchair conversion in a VW Caddy, or you need an OT assessment for funding for one of these, email admin@williamsot.com and we will get in contact.
Driving with hand controls
Why would you consider left-sided controls? Find out more about left-sided hand controls by watching the video below.
Some interesting articles for you
- Occupational therapy driver assessments with mental health consumers: A mixed‐methods study
- Latest Spinner Knobs
- Driving the Musculoskeletal Diagnosis Train on the High-Value Track
PS: Don’t forget to download our latest e-Book Williams OT Ultimate Guide to Maximising your NDIS Plan! Click the photo down below to download!