Strive to Drive Newsletter – July 2021
July has tested our resilience yet again due to another COVID outbreak. But nevertheless, our team will still serve and help you with our very best. Check out our highlights this July.
If you have been following the Drive-ABLE_podcast, we just interviewed Nick Tiago with a 3-part episode. We are so proud of Nick on how he is living his life independently.
We had assessed Nick and trialed him for various modifications that are the best fit for him. We love the Space Drive technology that was installed in his vehicle – huge thanks to our friends over at PME Auto Conversions for helping us find the perfect fit for Nick
Why Driver Assessments Are Important?
This is a puzzle that I thought I would share with you what the Driver Fitness Coalition in South Africa developed. They use it to help clients understand what we look at in the driving assessment and why it is so important. It is a tool to explain that a car is made up of many parts that all need to work together to enable the car to work, e.g. the motor, steering wheel, spark plugs, axle, pistons, etc. In the same way, the driver needs all the skills in the puzzle to be able to drive. If any of these are missing or limited, then we need to look at ways to compensate for what is missing, or it could mean that they are not able to drive because the “car won’t work with that missing part.”
What a great tool.
It helps clients understand an abstract concept on a concrete level.
In rehab, the therapists use it to help their clients identify aspects that they still need to work on as part of their rehab.
Telehealth in Lockdown 3.0
We feel more ready and set up than ever as we roll with the changes.
Brad has just finished a pre drive assessment with a client so they are not impacted by the closures across the state. Our other OTs have more assessments and rehab sessions throughout the day and week.
Telehealth at Williams OT is all go.
Don’t be afraid to check us out at if you or someone you know has a disability that has the potential to impact driving. We are open and taking referrals. Get the ball rolling and get a booking.
If you have a physical issue, don’t let this hold you back. Get in now so you are prioritised and in our system.
PS: What do you think of Brad’s filter of choice?
Welcome Stuart!
Everyone, meet Stuart.
It has been an interesting week to start work that is for sure. But to his credit and all of our clients, they have rolled with punches and stayed resilient.
Stuart is our newest member and is a driver-trained OT. This means we will be booking all of the people from our waitlist very soon. This is welcome news to many I am sure.
I ask that you welcome Stuart and say G’day.
It is great to have another male OT in the workplace (Brad can finally talk blokey stuff with someone ?) and he comes with a background in community health.
As the waitlist goes down, we have some slots starting to free up for clients that need vehicle modifications, either for vehicle access, like wheelchair ramps and lifter, through to hand controls, or left foot accelerators, etc. If this is you, now might be the time to get a referral in.
Driving the Essential Skills
I saw this from an English driving instructor colleague. I thought I would share. I thought it was well written. What are your thoughts?
Remember lessons should be goal-focused NOT fault-focused.
You should be tuned into how your pupil is doing around what you agreed they would take responsibility for. Not what faults they are making.
You are helping them assess their performance against a low-risk, safe driving standard in accordance with ‘Driving the essential skills.’
As they practice your pupil learns how to be consistent around achieving their goal whatever that may be.
You are working with the pupil both ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ of the goal, providing help only if they need it at the level they need.
You are providing knowledge and a solution only if they need it at the level they need.
You are helping them to reflect and find solutions.
You are helping them understand how their attitudes and core beliefs result in a behaviour that can increase or decrease their risk and chances of serious consequences.
You are helping them develop coping strategies for developing safe driving behaviours after the driving test.
Fight COVID-19
Here at Williams OT, we are all doing our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Aside from social distancing, wearing masks, washing the hands, and sanitizing almost everything, we also had our vaccines against COVID-19. One down, one more to go for Brad.
Why Carers are Important?
Carers/husbands/wives/parents do so much.
This sequence is a husband helping his wife into their car lifting her onto a step and then each foot into the car and then helping her position.
This is a poor scenario of a husband lifting his wife into the car. A massive falls and injury risk.
A turning out seat doesn’t fit in her car, so we trialed this person lift. Look at the results. It still requires some assistance from her husband but it is in control and falls are off the table.
Drive-Able Podcast
Driver Lessons
“The Williams OT Ultimate Guide to Maximising Your NDIS Plan”
Click the photo to download the FREE eBook