Assisting people with disabilities with their mobility needs.

Williams OT has worked with clients and other occupational therapists to design the most meaningful and stylized spinner knob on the market. Using the SpinMaster™ clamp system, Williams OT spinner knobs offer style and design for a personal touch. Being occupational therapists, we understand the importance of function, and our spinner range has been designed to maximise this. It represents a premium quality piece of engineering expertise, individually made to your unique requirements, and designed and produced by an Occupational Therapist who knows the importance of the right product for the activity of one handed steering. Each spinner knob comes in two size options, for the small and larger hand, making it the right fit for every driver.

Every aspect of the design of the Williams Occupational Therapy Spinner Knob is there to enhance performance, endurance, and aesthetic appeal. They’re not just another production-line spinner knob, each spinner is an individual work of art – uniquely yours.