Assisting people with disabilities with their mobility needs.

Are you annoyed? Did you miss our conference call?

Are you annoyed? Did you miss our conference call?

Did You Miss Our February Community conference call? On Feb 3rd 2017, Williams OT held  Community conference call. Every month, Brad Williams, Director and founder of Williams OT, jumps on the phone to answer your questions.  It doesn’t matter if you are a client,...
How did Williams OT get started?

How did Williams OT get started?

Williams OT has been established since 2011, but do you want to know how it all got started? Brad Williams, Director of Williams OT, was asked to provide a talk to first year Occupational Therapy Students of Flinders University. The talk was to show what options might...
When is an early referral too early?

When is an early referral too early?

This month we are continuing our series on upper limb issues and driving and talking about the benefit of an early referral. This month we move on to discuss a case story, highlighting how an early referral could have saved significant stress and mental health issues...
Need a hand with driving?

Need a hand with driving?

Need a hand with driving? This month Williams OT was invited to do a presentation on driving with upper limb issues to the Royal Adelaide Hospital. The audience consisted of occupational therapists, physiotherapists and medical practitioners. We were lucky enough to...
How a quadruple amputee got back to driving

How a quadruple amputee got back to driving

No Fingers, No hand, No legs below the knee – how an amputee got back to driving I became a quad amputee in 2013 after suffering sepsis at the age of 55. Whilst I was still in hospital recovering from my operations, I was visited by a Clinical Practice...