Assisting people with disabilities with their mobility needs.

(That means gift time ?)

Hey everyone, how are you all doing? We hope you are reading this healthy, happy, and most especially, COVID-free. The team from Williams OT and our families are all safe and sound too!

So, Easter is just around the corner and we want to give you, our Williams OT fans and also clients, a little something from us.

Check out this video below to find out

Excited? So are we! We know this is a difficult period for all of us but we are still here to help you!

This is an especially good time to be independent to be able to get out and about and do quick errands.

You can also use this time to really learn how to drive. The roads are quiet and in a car you don’t need to interact with anyone else. Incorporate a home driving lesson on your essential outing. (Just make sure you are following the guidelines in your state around what is essential travel)

So, what are you waiting for? All you need to do is to comment down below (or email us at with the code word from the video and let us know that you are interested, so we can send you the link to our videos!

I hope you enjoy our little Easter present for all of you.

So, that’s it for now. Make sure you practice social distancing – aside from your household members, be safe, be healthy and we will see again real soon!