Assisting people with disabilities with their mobility needs.

Vehicle modification funding trouble? Fret no more. A year ago, we interviewed a Research Fellow from UniSA, Dr Claire Hutchinson, for her research about the social return on investment of vehicle modifications for people with disability. Check out the video below to watch it again:

Click the link here to read our blog post:

Now, the article is now out and published. You can read the full article by clicking the button below

Now just to highlight a few things:

  • Social return on investment ratios was positive for funder and consumer investment in all five scenarios.
  • Social return on investment calculations based on co-investment ranged from $17.32 for every $1 invested to $2.78 for every $1 invested
  • Consumers’ payback periods were between 5.4 and 7.1 months and funders between 3.5 weeks and 2 years 8.4 months

This means that given the short payback periods, funders should reconsider age restrictions on vehicles considered suitable for modifications, especially for low- to medium-cost modifications.

Watch Brad’s take on the article in the video below:

So what do you think about the article? Let us know your thoughts by commenting down below!