Assisting people with disabilities with their mobility needs.


Learn everything about the NDIS and how Williams OT can assist you as a registered provider.

Williams OT is a registered NDIS provider for:

Occupational Therapy driver assessments and rehabilitation

Driving lessons for NDIS clients with a disability

Supply and installation of vehicle aids and equipment to assist clients with a disability

Assessment and training for assistive technology and home modifications

Brad holding a newspaper with the words written across it - The Williams OT Guide to maximising the NDIS
What is the NDIS?
is likely that many of you have heard of the term “NDIS” or its proper name, the National Disability Insurance Scheme. From the title, it is presumed that it has something to do with the Government and disabilities, but you may not know specifically what it is, or how it may be relevant to you and your driving situation.
The NDIS was introduced by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), which is an independent statutory agency. Therefore, the NDIA’s role is to “implement the NDIS in order to support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability, and their families and carers” (NDIA, 2017).

In other words, the NDIS is a nationwide, government-funded scheme to ensure that all Australians with a disability, whether they currently have, or will acquire in the future, continue to receive appropriate and sufficient support.

Due to the large scale and many changes introduced by the NDIA when creating the NDIS, the scheme will be gradually introduced to ensure a smooth transition for people with disabilities and support providers.

View NDIS Terms and Conditions.

How does the NDIS work?
If you or a family member have a disability and think you might be eligible to receive support from the NDIS, you must first contact NDIS. When you contact NDIS you will need to confirm eligibility and organise what services you require and what funding will be needed to cover these services. Once you have established your NDIS account, you will set up a plan that essentially states the services that you need (e.g. occupational therapy assessments and driving lessons) and how much funding you will require (keep reading to find out how to do this with Williams OT).
Once this is all worked out and approved by the NDIS, you are able to choose one of three options when managing your plan.

You can either:
1) self-manage
2) have an agency manage your plan
3) have a third party manage your plan

How you choose to manage your NDIS plan influences how you approach and book assessments with Williams Occupational Therapy. Further information on this, as well as assessment and travel costs, can be provided by our helpful staff, or on the NDIS website.

Would you like to know how to navigate NDIS to get the best out of your plan?

We have created a free guide to help you understand how the NDIS works when it comes to assistive aides and home modifications. It contains:

  • The process and how NDIS works for Assistive Technology.
  • The best way to utilise your NDIS plan.
  • And what’s involved in the applications for funding.

Download our free guides:


What can Williams OT offer?

If you think that an OT driver assessment, specialised driver lesson or an assessment for assistive technology or home modifications is what you require, you can learn more about our process.

Every person and case is different and funding for each case is individualised. To organise funding for a NDIS plan, contact our staff and they will assist you throughout the process and assist you with a quote for your plan.

Williams OT is a recognised NDIS provider for driver assessments and rehabilitation, specialised driving lessons and tuition, vehicle modifications and equipment supply and installation, and occupational therapy assessments for assistive technology and home modifications.

If you have further questions about the NDIS, or you want to know what services offered by Williams Occupational Therapy might be suitable for you or a family member, please feel free to contact us.

Phone: 08 8166 0767 

Do you have your funding sorted and want to get going straight away? 

If you are ready to go and have driving or mobility goals written into your NDIS plan, complete the referral form below and hit the send button. Our team will process your referral and get back to you ASAP.